Export Performance
The export of groundnuts from Malawi have steadily increase with the highest record in 2013
· The target market for groundnuts export market is within SADC and COMESA regions with a trivial volumes going outside Africa.
· Generally the trends of groundnuts exports have been on the increase for the last five year registering 60 thousands metric tonnes in 2013 from 38 thousand metric tonnes in 2012.
· In major exporting markets the trend mirrors the Malawi exports to the world.
· There has been an increase in export volumes to the major export markets
Market Share
· India dominates the world market with an average share of 26.2 % followed by USA with an average share of 14.2 %.
· Malawi share of Groundnuts exports to the world has been increasing over the period of five years. In 2013 Malawi share of exports grew to 2.6% from 1.4 % in 2012.
· Exports to the major markets have been increasing
World Market Share
· On average the Malawi exports on Groundnuts has been growing at the rate of 1.4 %
Malawi Share in Actual Markets
Exports share to Tanzania had a sharp increase between 2010 and 2011. From 2011 the export share has been gradually decreasing
On the world market Malawi competes with USA, India, Netherlands Argentina, China, Brazil and Nicaragua.
· Malawi ranks 8th in the world exports basket and comes fist in Africa exports basket.
· Tanzania has been importing about 99 percent of its groundnuts imports from Malawi registering 5 thousand metric tonnes in 2010.
Potential for Expansion
· Tanzania importation of groundnuts has been decreasing for the last three years.
· Malawi exports on the other hand have been on the increase over the last five years
· With theincreasing trend of demand on the world market for groundnuts there is potential to increase exports provided requirements met.
The International Trade Centre runs a suite of online tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to markets. These include: Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map, Trade Competitiveness Map and Standards Map. The tools enable companies and trade support institutions to identify export and import opportunities and compare market-access requirements, and they help policymakers monitor national trade performance and prepare for trade negotiations. Free registration is required to obtain full access to the resources. To register and access the tools click here.
International Trade Centre E-Learning
54-56 rue de Montbrillant,
(+41-22) 730 0111
(+41-22) 733 4439
International Trade Centre Market Analysis e-Learning Platform
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1211 Geneva 10
WTO Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation
Centre William Rappard
Rue de Lausanne 154
CH-1211 Geneva 21
(+41-22) 739 5111
(+41-22) 731 4206
WTO E – Learning
The World Bank Institute
Office of the Vice President
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433
(+1-202) 473 6436
(+1-202) 676 0858
The World Bank’s E-Institute
(+1-202) 473 7141
World Trade Institute
University of Bern
Hallerstrasse 6
3012 Bern
(+41-31) 631 3270
(+41-31) 631 3630
Institute of Trade Development
P.O BOX 41577
(+254-20) 236 1574
(+254-72) 286 1576
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
Head Office
161 Portage Avenue East, 6th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3B 0Y4
(+1-204) 9587700
(+1-204) 9587710
Foundation for International Training
7181 Woodbine Ave.,
Suite 110, Markham, ON, L3R 1A3
(+1-905) 3058680
(+1-905) 3058681
Agence Francaise De Developpment
5, Rue Roland Barthes
75598 Paris Cedex 12
(+33-1) 53443131
(+33-1) 44879939
Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
Zelinkagasse 2
1010 Vienna
(+43-1) 90399 - 0
(+43-1) 90399 - 1290
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
62 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra ACT 2601
(+61-2) 62064000
(+61-2) 62064880
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
200 Promenade du Portage
Gatineau, Quebec, KIA 0G4
(+1-819) 9975006
(+1-819) 9536088
Department for International Development
1 Palace Street
London, SW1E5HE
Fax: Email:
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Dag-Hammarskjold-Weg 1-5, 65760 Eschborn
(+49-61) 9679-0
(+49-61) 9679-1115
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
JICA Headquarters
6th-13th Floors, Shinjuku Maynds Tower
2-1-1, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo 151-8558, Japan
+ 81 3 5352 5311/ 14
+ 81 3 5218 9640
+ 81 3 5352 5032
Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
825 Daewangpangyo-ro,
Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si,
Gyeonggi-do, 461-833
(+82-31) 7400 114
7400 222
(+82-31) 7400 655
7400 698
The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
Ruselokkveien 26
P.O.Box 8034, Dep.
0030 Oslo
(+47-22) 242030
(+47-22) 242031
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Valhallavägen 199
105 25 Stockholm
(+46-8) 6985000
(+46-8) 208864
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Freiburgstrasse 130
3003 Berne
(+41-31) 3223475
(+41-31) 3241694
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
Ronald Reagan Building
Washington, D.C. 20523-1000
(+1-202) 7124810
(+1-202) 2163524
United States African Development Foundation
1400 Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20005-2248
(+1-202) 6733916
(+1-202) 6733810
The African Capacity-Building Foundation
7th & 15th Floors, Intermarket Life Towers
Cnr. Jason Moyo/Sam Nujoma Street
P. O. Box 1562
(+263-4) 790398 / 9
700208 / 210
(+263-4) 702915
International Trade Centre (ITC)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
E-9042,Palais des Nations, 8-14,Av.DelaPaix
(+41-22) 9175634
(+41-22) 9170042
World Trade Organization
South Centre
1211 Geneva 19
(+41-22) 7918050
(+41-22) 7988531
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD)
International Environment House 2
Chemin de Balexert 7-9
1219 Châtelaine
(+ 41-22) 917 84 92
(+ 41-22) 917 80 93
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
One United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017 USA
(+1-212) 9065000
(+1-212) 9065364
The World Bank
Washington, DC 20433
(+1-202) 4731000
(+1-202) 4776391
International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20431
(+1-202) 623-7000
(+1-202) 623-6220
(+1-202) 623-4661
World Intellectual Property Rights Organisation
Chemin des Colombettes 34
1202 Geneva
(+41-22) 338 9111
(+41-22) 338 8140
International Organization for Standardization
ISO Central Secretariat
1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse
CP 56 - CH-1211 Geneva 20
(+41-22) 749 0111
(+41-22) 733 3430
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Vienna International Centre
Wagramerstr. 5 P.O. Box 300
A-1400, Vienna
(+43-1) 26026-0
(+43-1) 2692669
International Chamber of Commerce
38 Cours Albert 1er
75008 Paris,
(+33-1) 4953 2828
(+33-1) 4953 2859
The OPEC Fund for International Development
P.O. Box 995
A-1011 Vienna
(+43-1) 515 64-0
(+43-1) 513 9238
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECD Headquarters
2, rue Andre Pascal, F- 75775 Paris Cedex 16
(+33-1) 45248200
(+33-1) 45248500
The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development
World Bank Group
SME Department, Secretariat
Room F2K-200
Washington D.C
(+1-202) 4587066
(+1-202) 5223742
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Headquarters
Viale delleTerme di Carcalla, 00100
(+39-6) 57051
(+39-6) 57053152
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Via del Serafico, 107
00142 ,Rome
(+39-6) 54591
(+39-6) 5043463
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNESCO Headquarters
7, Place de Fontenoy, 75352, Paris 07 SP
(+33-1) 45681000
(+33-1) 45671690
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
PO Box 30552, 00100
(+254-20) 7621234
(+254-20) 7624489 / 90
ExportBureau.Com - Dictionary/GlossaryA glossary of terms used in international trade.http://www.exportbureau.com/dictionary.html
GlobalEDGE - Glossary of Trade Terms Extensive glossary of international trade terms.http://globaledge.msu.edu/reference-desk/glossary
Glossary of Agriculture Terms USDA listing of agricultural terms used in international trade.http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/AgOutlook/Dec1996/Ao236c3.pdf
Glossary of Ocean Cargo Insurance Terms Definitions of all terms related to cargo insurance.http://www.tsbic.com/cargo/glossary.htm
ISO Standards Glossary Glossary of international standards as defined by the ISO. http://www.standardsglossary.com/
MarineTerms.com Glossary of maritime transportation terms.http://www.marineterms.com/
The Acronym Database Website providing a list of acronyms (abbreviations constructed mostly from the initial letters of the words of a phrase), gathered from many network sources and submitted by users. http://www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/
3CE Software that helps companies classify their products according to the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.http://www.3ceonline.com/
@GlobalTrade Supports trade processing between buyers and sellers who are unknown to one another by bringing together all parties involved in an international trade transaction including financial institutions, carriers, freight forwarder, surveyor, on the same electronic page. http://www.globaltradecorp.com/
AEB International Global trade software solutions integrating compliance, export control and supply chain management. http://www.aeb-international.co.uk/
Amber Road Comprehensive repository of global commerce intelligence and applications that simplifies exporting, importing and shipping any product to any country.http://www.amberroad.com/
ASYCUDA A computerized customs management system that covers most foreign trade procedures. The system handles manifests and customs declarations, accounting procedures, transit and suspense procedures. The ASYCUDA software is developed in Geneva by UNCTADhttp://www.asycuda.org/
Bolero An open platform that enables paper less trading between buyers, sellers, logistics, banks, agencies and regulatory authorities anywhere in the world, delivering transaction visibility, predictability, speed, accuracy and security. http://www.bolero.net
Bravo Solutions Supply chain management softwarehttps://www.bravosolution.com
C-Team Systems Electronic business tools for the freight forwarder. Full featured freight forwarding software systems feature complete documentation, tracking and communications features. http://www.cteam.ca/
Cadre Technologies Complete system for warehouse operations and transportation that integrates into order capture, purchasing, and accounting/invoicing systems.http://www.cadretech.com
Conex Software that simplifies customs procedures. Focused on EU regulationshttp://www.conex.fr/
CUSTOMS Info Constantly updated data for tariffs and landed costs in over 100 countries, Federal Register Notices and Broker Power Archives. http://www.customsinfo.com/
Descartes Software that manages supply chain. http://www.descartes.com
ECnet Business-to-Business supply chain management systemshttp://www.ecnet.com/
eCustoms Online services for Trade Compliance, Tariff Classification and Rulings; NAFTA Certification and Management; Export Compliance, including Restricted Party Screening and License Determination Assistant; Import and Export Documentation, including distribution and management, special programs, electronic reporting, compliance verification, systems integration, and records management.http://www.ecustoms.com
eLogistics.com Transport and logistics management software http://www.elogistics.com/
Express Technologies Transportation and logistics enterprise system for all types of transportation firmshttp://www.xpresstech.com
Freightdata 2000 Software for freigth forwarders and logistics management. http://www.freightdata.com
GXS Complete intergrated system for managing the complete supply chain. http://www.gxs.com
Infor SCM Software for management of all aspects of supply chain managementhttp://www.infor.com/solutions/scm/
Integration Point Software for global trade and supply chain management. Includes modules for Import Management, Export Management, Importer Security Filing (10+2), Entry Visibility, Global Trade Content (harmonized tariff schedules, denied party list , free trade agreements, export classification, import and export requirements), Global Classification Denied Trade Screening, Supply Chain Compliance (C-TPAT, PIP, AEO, Lacey Act, Product Safety, Import Safety, Social & Environmental Responsibility), Trade Zones (US FTZ, MX Maquiladora/IMMEX, EU Customs Warehousing & Processing under Customs Control, India Special Economic Zones, Free Trade Zones) Free Trade Agreement qualifications http://www.integrationpoint.com
International Trade Systems International trade operations software that integrates ABI, Export, Breakbulk, Warehouse, and Accounting in Windows Environmenthttp://www.its4abi.com
JDA Software Planning, optimization and execution solutions for the entire supply chain from materials to the consumer http://www.jda.com/
Kewill Electronic management systems for Freight Forwarders and Customs House Brokers, as well as the Documentation and Global Logistics requirements of Exporters and Importers.http://www.kewill.com/
KTNET Suite of automation products for international trade processes.http://homepage.ktnet.co.kr/ktnet
Logicor Extended supply chain softwarehttp://www.logicor.com/
Marine Provider Software MarineProvider offers a secure electronic procurement solution for the marine industry. MarineProvider's e-procurement solution is a software tool to help connect and unite marine buyers and suppliers and assist them to improve workflow processes. http://www.marineprovider.com/
MIC Customs Solutions Software for managing all aspects of Customs issues.http://www.mic-cust.com/
Minacs TradeFree Suite Software to manage trade finance, open account trade and factoring.http://minacs.adityabirla.com/INDUSTRIES/BankingFinancialServices/CommercialBanking/MinacsTradeFreeSuite.aspx
NewView Provider of inter-enterprise software solutions that enable buyers and sellers of direct materials in various industries to manage supply network transactions, information, and partner relationships across the boundaries of enterprises. http://www.newview.com
NTE Software for enhanced shipment and order visibility, automated tendering, and better transportation planning and executionhttp://www.nte.net/
Oracle Demantra Provider of Supply Chain/Inventory Management and Trade Promotion software solutions. The Demantra Spectrum(R) suite is comprised of inventory planning and optimization, marketing planning, supply chain management, and demand management applications.http://www.oracle.com/us/products/applications/ebusiness/planning/061918.html
Precision Software Software that manages all global trade operations including export compliance, international documentation, freight management, parcel shipping, load optimization, tracking and tracing, multi-currency and multi-language. http://www.precisionsoftware.com
ProductLine.com Online system that allows tracking supplier and partner data, including documents and images, in one location.http://www.productline.com
PSI Software Online Supplier of Mexican customs, NAFTA compliance, and US cost submission software for the maquiladora and NAFTA marketplace. http://www.psisoftware.com/
Purchasesoft A product suite that addresses enterprise procurement requirements from requisitioning to analytics and sourcing.http://www.purchasesoft.com
QuestaWeb Global trade and logistics management solutions.http://www.questaweb.com
Roadrunner Trucking management software for the UK, Ireland, Australia and the EU http://www.roadtech.co.uk/
SAP Global Trade Services This solution helps companies standardize and streamline trade processes across their entire enterprise and business units. And it fosters use of shared data and shared collaboration knowledge, replacing high-maintenance manual processes.http://www.sap.com/index.html
SmartZone Foreign-Trade Zone Software Inventory control and record keeping for Foreign-Trade Zoneshttp://www.ftzsoftware.com/
Surecomp Software for administration of trade finance.http://www.surecomp.com
Trade Solutions Group Web-enabled software for banks that cover all aspects of trade finance, overseas payments and foreign exchange.http://www.tradesolutionsgroup.com
Trade Technologies Trade Technologies provides Internet-based software solutions and document preparation services that streamline international trade payment processes and documentation for global exporters, freight forwarders and global trade banks. Our solutions leverage the Internet to drive workflow and process efficiencies throughout the global payment chain. The end result is an immediate and significant improvement in profitability through accelerated receivables collection, lower transaction costs and enhanced transaction reporting.http://www.tradetechnologies.com
TradeBeam Global Trade Management software and services company providing solutions that automate global trading processes for enterprises and their partners. Solutions provide import and export compliance, inventory management, shipment tracking, supply chain event management and letter of credit management. http://www.tradebeam.com/
Tradegate ECA Australian organization whose purpose is to facilitate the use of electronic commerce techniques for the exchange of information between customers and their suppliers. Members include service providers and companies that develop electronic commerce technologies.http://www.tradegate.org.au/
TRADEPAQ TRADEPAQ's suite of applications offers end-to-end Internet Trade Logistics (iTL) functionality that enables enterprises to access real-time information, manage the complex shipping requirements of electronic commerce, generate multi-lingual trade documents, and maintain compliance with international trade regulations. In addition, TRADEPAQ also offers solutions that support requirements of global e-business banking such as letter of credit creation, receipt, management, and collection.http://www.tradepaq.com/
Tradescore Credit-scoring software designed to address the credit risk of an export transaction. http://www.tradescore.com.au/aboutts.htm
TradeSift TradeSift is advanced software for the analysis of international trade: Rapid & flexible viewing of data Diagnostic indicators of trade Easy graphs and tables Direct data access for Comtrade subscribers Integrated report writer Support for various data sources http://www.tradesift.com/
TradeTech.net Trade Tech specializes in supplying transportation management companies, third-party logistics providers, and shippers with private fleets all types of cost-effective TMS solutions. The goal of our software is to create a shipment record that can be tracked throughout the entire delivery route such as shipment creation, dispatch, trip planning, rate and carrier selection, RF dock functionality, invoicing, inquiries and reports, client access via the Internet, track and trace, freight bill and payment auditing, and document storage. http://www.tradetech.net/
Unifreight Software that handles the complete export and import processes. http://www.amital.co.il/
VISCO A web-based software designed specifically for importers that provides visibility into inventory and international supply chain management, accurate costing information and profitability numbers on a per shipment basis as well as the creation and management of all necessary documentation to clear through U.S. Customs.http://www.ventureinformationsystem.com/
vLinx eMarketplace for idle assets. Services include inspection, finance, logistics, insurance, escrow and finance of transactions.http://www.vlinx.com
Convert-Me.com Web site that performs online conversions (e.g. metric conversions) for many measurement systems both commonly used like metric and U.S. Avoirdupois and quite exotic like Ancient Greek and Roman. http://www.convert-me.com/en/
CSG Calculators and Converters Calculators and conversion databases for most standards, dates and other calculations. http://www.csgnetwork.com/converters.html
eFunda Unit Conversions Converts almost any unit of measurement in the world to almost any other unit.http://www.efunda.com/units/
Foreign Trade Conversion Tables Factors to Convert Reported Units of Quantity to Harmonized System Units of Quantity. This is the official US Government list of conversions to the metric system. http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/www/sec9.html
MegaConverter Large set of weights, measures and units conversion/calculation modules, including unusual and ancient units. http://www.megaconverter.com/Mega2/
Metric Conversions Website that converts between metric and imperial units of measurement for temperature, length, area, volume and weight with a series of online calculators. In addition to the calculators, a user can create and print a conversion chart for a conversion between any two units or add one of the converters to their own pages. http://www.metric-conversions.org/
Online Conversions Converts most units of measure between diverse systems.http://www.onlineconversion.com/
The Chief Executive OfficerMalawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC)Aquarius House – First floorPrivate Bag 302Capital CityLilongwe 3MALAWI
Tel : (265) 1 770 800 / 771 315Fax: (265) 1 771 781E-mail : info@mitc.mw
Blantyre Office
The Chief Executive OfficerMalawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC)Unit House – Fourth FloorPrivate Bag 131BlantyreMALAWI
Tel: (265) 1 821 222Fax: (265) 1 821 621E-mail : info@mitc.mw
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