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16 / 05 / 2020 - East Africa: Low Crude Oil Prices to Ease Production Costs in East Africa
East Africa stands to benefit from the drop in crude oil prices at the international market as it would ease pressure on widening current accounts and arrest a surge in inflation. The cost of consumer goods could also reduce as manufacturers are some of the heaviest consumers of fuel.
However, lack of strategic reserve facilities means the region can't take full advantage of the low prices--caused by the Covid-19 pandemic--and build up their stockpiles, which would guarantee the benefits last longer even when prices at the international market rebound from the current low levels of $26.10 per barrel.
"The East African region has missed an opportunity for stockpiling because there are no facilities," George Wachira, an oil industry expert, told The EastAfrican.
Kenya recorded the biggest drop in fuel prices in over a decade last week on May 14 after the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) unveiled new maximum wholesale and retail petroleum prices with the cost of diesel and petrol coming down drastically.
In the latest review, the cost of diesel reduced by Ksh19.19 ($.17) per litre to retail at Ksh78.37 ($.72) while the price of super petrol declined by Ksh9.5 ($.08) to retail at Ksh88.33 ($.82).
The changes are based on the average landed cost of imported super petrol, which decreased by 38.94 per cent from $309.03 per cubic metre in March to $188.07 per cubic metre in April.
Diesel decreased by 44.04 per cent from $432.70 per cubic metre to $242.13 per cubic metre.
The review shows that free on board prices of murban crude oil imported in April were at $17.64 per barrel, a decline of 50.42 per cent from $35.58 per barrel in March.
"The computation of the pump prices has taken into account the changes effected by the Tax Laws (Amendment) Act of 2020 that made taxes and other levies part of the vatable amount in the calculation of VAT for petroleum products," said Robert Pavel Oimeke, EPRA director-general.
Kenya's petroleum import bill in 2019 stood at $2.9 billion, a decline from $3 billion in 2018 according to the Economic Survey 2020 while in Tanzania it stood at $1.8 billion and Uganda $874 million.
Savings on import bills would have ripple effects on the current accounts deficits that regional nations are struggling to narrow in the wake of a decline in exports and remittances.
In Tanzania, the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority announced a reduction in retail prices for the month of May in which the cost of super petrol declined by 10.5 per cent while that of diesel went down by 7.17 per cent.
The low prices at the international market mean that countries in the region will record a drastic decline in petroleum import bills.
Source: allafrica.com
13 / 05 / 2020 - Mozambique: Government Will Subsidize Cotton Price
Maputo — The Mozambican government announced on Tuesday that it will subsidise the price of raw cotton by six meticais (about nine US cents) a kilo.
Negotiations over a new minimum cotton price broke down on Monday, with the companies that buy cotton from the peasant producers demanding a steep reduction in the price.
The 2019 price was 23 meticais per kilo for first grade cotton, and representatives of the producers wanted it to be kept at this level, if not increased. But the buyers proposed 18 meticais, and said they could not go beyond 19 meticais.
The government had to solve this impasse, which it did by granting a subsidy. Speaking to reporters after the weekly meeting of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet), Agriculture Minister Celso Correia said the minimum price for first grade cotton in this year's harvest will be 25 meticais, and for second grade cotton 18 meticais per kilo.
But this money will not all come from the purchasing companies. They will only pay 19 meticais a kilo: the other six meticais will be a government subsidy. In other words, taxpayers will pay almost a quarter of the price the producers receive for their first grade raw cotton.
"As you know, cotton on its own does not provide an adequate household income in line with the households' cost of living", sad Correia. "The agreement the government has reached with the comanies promoting cotton is that in the next agricultural campaign (2020-2021), in addition to cotton, they will also step up diversifdiatuion into other crops in these productive blocks".
This diversification, the Minister claimed, would allow an increase in household income. The government would prioritise soya, sunflower and maize as alterbative crops, to be sown under a system of crop rotation.
Correia believed that, with the rise in household incomes, peasant farmers would feel encouragwed to continue producing cotton.
Over the years cotton farmers had always been below the poverty line, said Correia, "but our projection is that next year these households can get out of poverty, which is our main priority".
Correia puts the cost of the new subsidy to the government at 240 million meticais a year. At six meticais a kilo, this suggests that the government expects 40,000 tonnes of raw cotton to be marketed this year.
Source: Allafrica.com
13 / 05 / 2020 - Mozambique: Government Reinstates Vat Exemptions
Maputo — The Mozambican government has reversed its decision to impose Value Added Tax (VAT), at the standard rate of 17 per cent, on sugar, vegetable oil and soap.
These goods, regarded as essential had been zero rated for the past 18 years, but it was always intended that they should pay VAT.
The VAT exemption was removed in December 2019, and so, as from January, the prices of these goods went up. No attempt was made to inform consumers of the impending price rises, and so the first shoppers knew about it was when they found themselves paying an extra 10 meticais (about 15 US cents) for a kilo of sugar.
Companies that produce soap and edible oil were furious when the VAT exemption disappeared. Some of them claimed they would not be able to sell their products at a higher price, and even appeared on television threatening to close their businesses down.
So the government retreated. At the end of Tuesday's meeting of the Council of Ministers (Cabinet), the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, Ludovina Bernardo, said that reinstating the VAT exemption was necessary in order to attenuate the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
The VAT exemption covers not only the finsihed goods, but also the raw materials, equipment and parts imported by the sugar, vegetable oil and soap industries.
The final decision, however, must be taken by the country's parliament, the Assembly of the Republic. Bernardo said the government is submitting an urgent bill to the Assembly, altering the VAT code so as to reinstate the VAT exemptions on these goods. The exemptions, she added, should remain in force until 31 December this year.
"Because of the impact the pandemic is having on our population, whose purchasing power is continuing to shrink, the government thought it best to reinstate this VAT exemption", Bernardo said.
She also announced said the government has approved fiscal, customs and monetary measures to support private business, in order to ensure a rapid economic recovery. But these measures will only be made public, she added, after implementation measures have been discussed.
Source: Allafrica.com
18 / 05 / 2020 - Mozambique: Increase in Cashew Nut Marketing Forecast
Maputo — The Mozambican government's Cashew Promotion Institute (INCAJU) forecasts that in the current (2019/2020) campaign, 148,300 tonnes of cashew nuts will be marketed, which would be a four per cent increase on the 2018/2019 campaign.
According to the head of the INCAJU Economic Analysis Department, Lucia Antonio, by the last fortnight of February over 138,000 tonnes had been marketed at an average producer price of 39 meticais (about 57 US cents) per kilo.
"This means that the equivalent of about 83 million US dollars was injected into the rural economy", said Antonio.
Currently 17 cashew processing plants are operational, employing 16,700 workers, of whom 9,900 are women.
The amount of raw nuts that the domestic processing industry can absorb has risen from 54,180 tonnes in 2017, to twice that amount, 108,000 tonnes, in 2019.
Antonio lamented that the international cashew trade has become highly unfavourable to Mozambique, largely because India moved to protect its own cashew producers by raising the surtax on imported cashew kernels from 45 to 70 per cent. China, another major purchaser of Mozambican cashew kernels, cannot fill the gap because of the economic disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
INCAJU was set up to revive the Mozambican cashew industry, and Antonio claims success in planting new trees and in the integrated management of the national cashew orchard. This, she says, has led to the improved production and marketing of cashew nuts over the past five campaigns.
Source: Allafrica.com
18 / 05 / 2020 - Zimbabwe: Talks to Review Data Prices for E-Learning Ongoing
Talks between Government and mobile phone operators are underway with a view to reduce the price of data bundles to cater for e-learning during the Covid-19 national lockdown period.
Education has been affected by the lockdown, as students are unable to go back to school so as to minimise the spread of the disease, prompting calls for the education sector to adopt e-learning.
There have been concerns over high data prices in Zimbabwe, amid fears many students will be unable to take part in e-learning.
The data prices are within the approved Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (potraz), but are beyond many ordinary citizens, let alone students.
NetOne's cheapest bundle for $8 is offering 3,8MB/$1, while the cheapest Econet bundle is offering 3,64MB/$1.
In an interview last week, Secretary for Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, Engineer Sam Kundishora said Government sympathised with the students.
"Learners must continue, but we are also concerned about the cost of access," he said. "The cost of access means the learners have to pay in order to access the Internet and the data bundles are not cheap.
"What we are trying to do right now is to discuss with the regulator and the operators so that we can at least come up with a reduction, if possible, of the cost of data bundles.
"So, according to the regulator, it's still within the range, so there is nothing that has increased in terms of tariffs from the regulator side. However, after saying that, it means that the consumer is still feeling that increase and this is what we are negotiating now at the moment to see whether the operators can reduce the cost for data bundles."
Schools and tertiary institutions including the Midlands State University (MSU) and the Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University (ZEGU) have already complied with the directive and introduced online lectures for students through its e-learning platforms.
A fourth-year student at ZEGU, Sasha Mawonde urged Government to cushion them against high cost of data.
potraz recently moved away from a fixed model for determining the various tariffs for telecommunication operators to a flexible model.
The new model is meant to improve sustainability of the local telecoms firms' businesses.
18 / 05 / 2020 - Zimbabwe: Tough Times Beckon for Zim Agric Shows Set to Be Held Same Months This Year
24 /03/2020 - Africa: Agric-Business - World Bank Ranks Nigeria 7th in Africa
23/03/2020 - Can Africa keep up with global trends in clean energy?
25/03/2020 - Malawi World Vision Grooms Mchinji Community in Soap Making
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